Thursday, December 6, 2007

Clinical Correlations, NYU Internal Medicine Blog, Celebrates One-year Anniversary

Clinical Correlations, an NYU Department of Medicine educational web site, hosted by the Internal Medicine Residency Program, celebrates its one-year anniversary:

"It’s been quite a year in the life of Clinical Correlations. One year ago today we officially announced the creation of Clinical Correlations, the NYU internal medicine blog, to the NYU medical community. Starting from scratch without much of a game plan we developed a website (a word I greatly prefer to blog) that we hoped would simultaneously inspire students, house staff and faculty. I am so proud to say that I think we have accomplished this goal. In this year, I have learned that perseverance clearly pays off and now Clinical Correlations has become part of the very fabric of NYU."

"In the last year we have had 216 posts on various medical topics. Our writers have included medical students, residents, chief residents, former chief residents and faculty from NYU. Our editorship staff has expanded to 11 senior editors and 11 copy editors. Our overall readership has steadily slowly grown through the year without any a single advertisement or strategically placed comment on other blog sites or forums. We have readers in over 110 countries. Our hits are now averaging ~250/day."

I wrote a short piece on Residency Program Blogs in 2006:

The Early Days

I think the first residency program blog was launched by a faculty member at the University of Cincinnati in March 2003. It looks like Dr. Carl Gandola is still the sole contributor to the website.

For the Residents, By the Residents

My former residency program at Case Western Reserve University (St Vincent/St Luke) followed in 2004, and as far as I know, that was the first blog created for the residents by the residents (correct me if I am wrong). Actually, the web site was not a blog in the exact sense of the word but it just used the newly redesigned (at that time) to make a regular web site supported by the residents who contributed clinical cases, EKGs, CXRs and medical procedures info. This web site grew quite popular within the residency program and spun off several projects, including the blog you are currently reading...

Celebrating our one year anniversary!! Clinical Correlations.
Residency Program Blogs. CasesBlog, 03/2006.
Image source: Clinical Correlations.

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