Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Web 2.0 Music Video: Here Comes Another Bubble

Web 2.0: Here Comes Another Bubble, version 1.1. Song by Matt Hempey based on Billy Joel’s We Didn’t Start the Fire. Link via Google Blogoscoped.

Will something similar happen to the medical Web 2.0? Will doctors, nurses and patients tire of writing and reading blogs? Will physicians forget the last time they logged in Sermo and the other social networks? Will medical students delete the NEJM and JAMA podcasts and listen to music only? Only time will tell.

Update 12/19/2007:
The version 1.0 of the video was deleted due to a copyright violation. Read more inCopyright Claim Erases Parody Video From YouTube. Wired.com.

Web 2.0 Company Logos
Social Media Starfish and 6 Axes of Medical Education in Web 2.0

Updated: 01/01/2008

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