Saturday, December 8, 2007

A Doctor has a Problem with the "Queen of All Googlers"

Dr. Scott Haig, a NYC orthopedic surgeon, wrote about his encounter with a lady he describes as the "queen of all Googlers" and a "brainsucker." Not surprisingly, his TIME article has faced some backlash from health-related online communities and blogs.

What Dr. Haig describes though goes beyond simply using search engines for medical information and one should know that if the article is read in full. On a side note, I do not think that anybody should be calling names to anybody. Most doctors usually remember that no matter how tired or angry they feel, the things are almost always worse on the colder side of the stethoscope where the patient is.

Generally, I encourage patients to research their condition. Here, at Cleveland Clinic, we have patient information handouts authored by us and integrated within the electronic medical record software (Epic). Many people read the handouts in detail and ask excellent informed questions.

By the way, Google discourages the use of its name as a verb, for example, "Googling." The correct description of the activity should be "searching on Google."

When the Patient Is a Googler. Scott Haig, TIME.
A Doctor’s Disdain for Medical “Googlers.” NYTimes health blog.

Google Finds Correct Diagnosis in 58 % of Cases Published in NEJM
Who's your patients' best friend? Google!
Google, M.D. In Action - Part II
The Patient Who Knew Too Much. California Medicine Man.
Information is stupid. I think. Jay Parkinson.

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