Wednesday, May 9, 2007

StudentBMJ Mentions in an Article About Online Medical Information

Our project Clinical Cases and Images - A Case-Based Curriculum of Clinical Medicine ( ) was mentioned in the May 2007 issue of StudentBMJ: Trust me; trust me not. The article discusses trustworthiness of online medical information including new Web 2.0 tools such as wikis and blogs.

Dean Giustini, who is one of the best Web 2.0 experts among librarians, was very kind to mention our project in his interview with the author:

"...the main boon of Web 2.0 is how it allows medical practitioners to communicate more effectively with each other. When doctors talk to each other, he says, "The discussions that they have together actually create knowledge-they're continually teaching each other."The technologies of Web 2.0 can allow these conversations to become more fluid, resulting in a "continual process of sharing, information, and repurposing information."Such a process might be facilitated by a wiki, by a medical blog containing clinical information, such as Clinical Cases and Images (, or by a blog recording the thoughts and activities of an individual clinician, such as the popular NHS Blog Doctor ("

The StudentBMJ has a RSS feed with an additional nifty feature: a mash-up box which allows you to create a custom RSS feed from the journal content which fits your search criteria.

Trust me; trust me not. Christopher Hands, studentBMJ 2007;15:169-212 May.
Librarianship and Handling the Media. Dean Giustini, UBC Academic Search - Google Scholar Blog.

Image source:

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