Friday, May 11, 2007

How to start a medical blog in 2 minutes

This Google video shows that it takes about 2 minutes to start a blog on Creating a web site has never been easier.

The video length is 1:58 minutes from start to finish and this includes writing your first post illustrated with a photo.

There are many medical blogs out there but we can always use a few new good ones. I do not have a blogroll in the sidebar but I subscribe to at least 40 medical blogs in Google Reader.

ScienceRoll points to an integrated feed of several genetics blogs. This is an interesting idea. I tested something similar with our hospitalist group and members generally liked it. We used the "RSS-to-web page" feature of iGoogle and the approval rate was nearly 90%.

It would be nice to have feed "pipes" (similar to Yahoo Pipes) of blogs in different specialties:

- A feed pipe with general medicine blogs
- A feed pipe with hospitalist blogs
- A feed pipe with cardiology blogs
- A feed pipe with nephrology blogs, etc.

It would be interesting to see if students, residents, fellows and specialists find these feed pipes useful.

Update 5/15/2007:

David Rothman links to a directory of medical blogs categorized by subspecialty on MedWorm.

Best Web Feeds Reader for Medical and General Information
Make Your Own "Medical Journal" with Google Personalized Page
The DNA Network: the best idea of the last months. ScienceRoll, 05/2007.
Image source: ScienceRoll, CreativeCommons license.
Link via Googlified.

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