Monday, January 7, 2008

Bloggers and Heart Attacks

Can the stress of blogging cause a heart attack? It is doubtful but one finds it difficult to ignore the fact that not one but two well-known and well-liked tech bloggers had a heart attack in recent weeks.

Marck Orchant (50) never regained consciousness after his massive MI on December 2. The 41-year-old Om Malik of GigaOM was far more lucky and is expected to make a full recovery after his heart attack on December 28, 2007 according to his own announcement in a blog post (where else?). According to NYTimes, " the chief operating officer for Mr. Malik’s company, Giga Omni Media, played down stress as a factor in Mr. Malik’s health. He noted Mr. Malik’s incessant smoking of cigars and cigarettes was a more likely cause."

Om has decided to change his lifestyle significantly and it looks like we will enjoy many more episodes of the show in the future:

"Now living a healthier life isn’t just one of my New Year’s resolutions, it’s doctor’s orders. Friends and family have purged my apartment of smokes, scotch and all my favorite fatty foods — I am even going to be drinking decaf. I won’t be refashioning my avatar’s stogie with a celery stick, but I will be taking better care of my health."

Om Malik is currently doing well: "Making such drastic changes wasn’t easy, but they offered me the best chance of staying alive — and 50 pounds and 12 months later, have clearly worked."

Related reading

Some Brand-Name Bloggers Say Stress of Posting Is a Hazard to Their Health. NYTimes.
Popular tech blogger Mark Orchant died of heart attack at 50
A Heart-to-Heart with GigaOM Readers. GigaOM, 01/2008.
AltaVista Founder Dies of a Heart Attack at 42
In Web World of 24/7 Stress, Writers Blog Till They Drop. NYTimes, 04/2008.
Introducing Om 2.0: The Avatar. GigaOM, 06/2008.
What I Learned This Year. Om Malik, 12/2008.
Video: Scobleizer talks with Om Malik about stress and changes he's made to his life.
Image source: Gray's Anatomy, 1918, public domain.
Dangers of unrecognized heart disease: Husband dies while giving wife CPR (both found dead, age 60, 59)
NYC blogger dies of heart attack
Is blogging bad for your health? Conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart, 43, dies "unexpectedly from natural causes". Wikipedia, 2012.

Comments from Twitter

@doctorwes: Uh, oh> RT @DrVes: Bloggers and Heart Attacks

@scanman: This obviously applies to prolific posters.

@gruntdoc: This is why I'm not prolific...

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