Thursday, January 3, 2008

Slideshow: Web 2.0 in Dentistry

Patricia Anderson is a librarian at University of Michigan who has posted several of her presentations on Web 2.0 and "eHealth" online. This one mentions a few Web 2.0 resources in dentistry and this makes it one of the few presentations on the subject.

David Rothman, who posted the slideshow, also links to a Virtual, Global Community for Anyone Interested in Dental Informatics.

The presentation is heavy on screenshots but I am happy to see it shows 2 projects I have been involved in: and AskDrWiki.

Social Technologies for eHealth

Web 2.0 in Medicine Presentations by a University of Michigan Librarian. CasesBlog, 06/2007.

Web 2.0 and Medicine: The Slideshow. ScienceRoll, 02/2008.
Web 3.0 Concepts Explained in Plain English (Presentations). Digital Inspiration, 2009.

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