Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Medical Student Bloggers -- A Comprehensive List

Mark Rabnett, a librarian at University of Manitoba, has assembled a comprehensive list of medical student bloggers: Blogging med school.

"There were no student bloggers in my day, no such satisfying means of publicly dealing with the daily horrors of academe. Writing papers on a typewriter leaves one too exhausted for much else. Besides, we were too busy studying Madame Blavatsky or Lenin." But now students armed with formidable computing power can blog away 24/7.

I am happy to find a medical student blogger at the medical school where I am on faculty:

CCLCM Student Blog describes the experience of a medical student at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine.

Blogging med school. Shelved in the W's, 09/2007.
Becoming a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine and Web 2.0 Projects. CasesBlog, 2006.
"Why I don't want my daughter to become a doctor." CasesBlog, 2006.
Medical Students Blogging on a "Massive Scale" at the University of Michigan. CasesBlog, 2006.
UCSF Blogs.
Image source:, public domain.

Updated: 11/13/2007

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