Friday, March 14, 2008

AllTop Health: a news aggregator of all top health stories on one page

Alltop is "a news aggregation site that provides “all the top” stories for 40 of the most popular topics on the Web. The headlines and first paragraph of the 5 most recent stories from 40-80 sources for each topic are displayed. Alltop stories are refreshed approximately every 10 minutes."

Click here for Alltop health stories which include news stories and blogs. Overall, it is an interesting and useful concept although not new. The forgotten Findory news aggregator had a similar approach. Alltop does not look very different from iGoogle populated with health-related RSS feeds. Google News service has a similar interface and I especially like the slick image view. In any case, I rarely have time to check more than the subscribed feeds in Google Reader in the condensed "list view." This is usually sufficient to stay up-to-date with most news stories.

Alltop: Guy Kawasaki's Newest Venture in Social Media

Alltop is powered entirely by RSS feeds but it does not provide feeds itself.

Announcing (Formally) Alltop. How to Change the World.
Alltop: Guy Kawasaki's Newest Venture in Social Media. PodTech.
Google News Image View: Allergy. Allergy Notes.

NewsFlashr Health is a similar aggregator to AllTop.

Updated: 05/17/2008

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