Monday, February 4, 2008

Cleveland Clinic building a global brand "like the Louvre or Guggenheim Museum", 50 countries want Clinic to open branches

According to the main Cleveland newspaper, The Plain Dealer:

"Toby Cosgrove, the Cleveland Clinic CEO, said he hopes the new hospital in Abu Dabi will help the Clinic become the first American health care enterprise to emerge as a worldwide "brand" on a par with the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York and the Louvre in Paris, both of which are building branches in Abu Dhabi.

Cosgrove said the Clinic has had inquiries from 50 countries to open branches or provide other services. "They want our intellectual capital," Cosgrove said. "They want to know how to build a hospital, how to staff a hospital, how to measure quality."

One of the Clinic main competitors, Johns Hopkins Medicine, has partnerships in more than 12 countries but has not built an overseas hospital yet.

Cleveland Clinic has its eyes on a global brand. Cleveland, The Plain Dealer.
Image source: Cleveland Clinic logo.

Cleveland Clinic Has a New Logo (and a Shorter Name)
U.S. Universities Rush to Set Up Outposts Abroad. NYTimes, 02/2008.

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