Monday, November 12, 2007

Social Media Starfish and 6 Axes of Medical Education in Web 2.0 Style

Robert Scoble links to a Social Media Starfish created by Darren Barefoot (a Creative Commons license).

The starfish also illustrates some of what I call "6 Axes of Medical Education in Web 2.0 Style":
  1. Web feeds (RSS)
  2. Podcasts
  3. Blogs
  4. Wikis
  5. Custom search engines
  6. Second Life virtual world
Bertalan Mesko of has covered some of these web tools extensively, for example:

Health loves a Second Life
Top 20 Facebook Applications in Science and Medicine

How to Use Web 2.0 in Medicine?
A Presentation on Web 2.0 in Health Care by John Sharp

Web 2.0 Company Logos

Updated: 11/17/2007

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