Friday, September 7, 2007

Build An Online Version of Your Library and Share It Via Google Books

The new version of Google Books offers a few tools which will likely have an impact on the future of medical education. This Google service helps you:

- Create your own virtual library online
- Review the books
- Share the list
- Let people subscribe via RSS and get updated when you add new books
- Search within the books you selected

The newly launched version of Google Books makes all that possible and more.

For example, a residency program or a medical school can create a list of recommended books which can be reviewed online by faculty, residents and medical students. Click here to see a sample medical library I assembled today in 5 minutes (a screenshot is shown above).

You have to be signed in with a Google account in order to create your own library.

My Interview With Google Discussing Google Book Search. The Efficient MD.

Further reading:
An Online Version of Your Library. Google Operating System.
Build Your Virtual Library Online with Google Book Search.
Your Own Google Books Library, and More. Google Blogoscoped.
Google Book’s “My Library” and More. Googlified.
Using Google Book Search for Effective Point-Making.
Google Book Search and Medical Education. Tech Medicine, 02/2008.

Updated: 02/28/2008

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