Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Working near a laser printer = Second hand smoking?

Digital Inspiration links to an Australian study which claims that some laser printers release large amounts of small particles in the air which can potentially have adverse long-term health effects:

"If your cubicle is located somewhere near the common office printer, either ask the support staff to move the printer elsewhere or you shift your desk to a different place in the office as in the current setup, the air around you may be highly polluted."

More research is needed before a final recommendation can be made, as usual, but the study results could be something to have in mind. Printing less, potentially saves trees and keeps the air clean. You can save electronic texts online in Yahoo MyWeb, GMail, Google Notebook or any other service you prefer.

Laser Printers in Office Turn Employees into Passive Smokers. Digital Inspiration, 7/2007.
Image source: Wikipedia, GNU Free Documentation License.

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