Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Steve Jobs Speech at Stanford Graduation Ceremony

Steve Jobs Speech at the 2005 Stanford Graduation Ceremony: “This is the closest I’ve ever gotten to a college graduation.”

Steve Jobs tells 3 stories from his life:

- Connecting the dots
- Love and loss
- About death

His final advice to the graduating students: "Stay hungry, stay foolish." And buy Apple products, of course.

This is the cover of the last issue of The Whole Earth Catalog mentioned in the speech:

Transcript of Commencement Speech at Stanford given by Steve Jobs. FreeRepublic.com.
Steve Jobs challenges Class of '05 to 'stay hungry, stay foolish.' Stanford Report, June 12, 2005.
“And one more thing” about Steve Jobs’ battle with cancer - Science-Based Medicine, 2011.
Image source: FrankWestphal.de

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