Friday, November 3, 2006

One of the First Journal Articles About Podcasting

Richard Savel is the author of many firsts. In 2005, he made the first podcast for a national medical society -- the official podcast of the Society of Critical Care Medicine. Last month, Dr. Savel published the first paper about medical podcasting in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association:

The iCritical Care Podcast: a novel medium for critical care communication and education.
Richard H. Savel MD, Evan B. Goldstein DO, Eli N. Perencevich MD, MS, and Peter B. Angood MD

I am almost certain that this article will be often referenced in the future manuscripts about using portable audio and video for medical education. I have communicated with Richard Savel during the last 2 years, and I look forward to learning more about his future endeavors. He pointed out that his article was technically not the "first" one in a medical journal (this one was published in June 2006) but the first published in the informatics literature.

When Dr. Savel started his work on the podcast for the Society of Critical Care Medicine, few doctors knew what the term meant. We have certainly come a log way since then. Now, Cleveland Clinic has audio and video podcasts for both patients and health professionals. I think it is a safe bet to predict that on-demand technologies will radically change the way we receive both information and entertainment.

How a Critical Care Podcast Was Born
The Critical Care Podcast is Featured on the Official SCCM Website
Free Audio and Video Podcasts for Health Professionals by Cleveland Clinic
Society of Critical Care Medicine Introduces iCriticalCare Podcasts.
Internet-Based Dissemination of Educational Audiocasts: A Primer in Podcasting—How to Do It. American Roentgen Ray Society.

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