Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Interactive Health Tutorials from Medline

I was reading Dean Giustini's post about Healia's Search Vortal and decided to check out Healia one more time. While making a sample search for CHF, I noticed in the upper right corner (where Google ads usually are) the link to a MedlinePlus Interactive Tutorial for CHF (screenshot below).

Medline used an external provider to compile a comprehensive list of Flash-based Interactive Health Tutorials:
  • Diseases and Conditions
  • Tests and Diagnostic Procedures
  • Surgery and Treatment Procedures
  • Prevention and Wellness
This looks like a valuable resource for patient education. Click to see the Kidney Failure tutorial as an example (screenshot below).

Healia's Search Vortal - does it have a chance? UBC Academic Search - Google Scholar Blog.
Screenshots: Healia, MedlinePlus

Further reading: Link via

Updated: 10/02/2007

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