Saturday, July 1, 2006

Directory of Medical RSS Feeds

Comprehensive directories of medical RSS feeds:
You can subscribe to a combined "specialty" field or to individual journals.

Tame The Web and The Krafty Librarian have commented on RSS use by physicians. Tame The Web quotes David Rothman:

"I personally dislike email distribution of TOCs and encourage other medical librarians to abandon them in favor of RSS. Here are the reasons (off the top of my head) why: I have met too many doctors that end up feeling overwhelmed by the flood of emails in their inbox and eventually give up. One of the advantages of RSS is that you can be more specific (if needed) than TOCs. Example: A gastroenterologist specializing in IBD might not WANT every article from J. Gastroenterology. He/she might prefer just to get articles that contain the terms "Crohn's", "colitis" or "inflammatory bowel disease" that appear in that journal. It is much easier and quicker to manage the contents of an aggregator's reading list than an inbox - especially when the inbox is used for purposes beyond receiving TOCs."

Well, when you have 1858 unread items in your Bloglines aggregator, as I often do, you start to feel a little... overfed with RSS feeds... :-)

Recap: My notes on RSS for Clinicians.
A really simple guide to a powerful tool: RSS. BMJ Career Focus 2006;332:244.

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