Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Life Insurance For Over 50's | Life Cannot Be Fortunate To All At All Times, Invest In Life Insurance Policy And Take The Advantages

Life or fate is always not as charitable as it should be for many of us. Many of us can be fortunate and can enjoy our whole life without any worries. But everybody’s destiny is not the same. Many of us have to fight back our whole life to sustain for our basic necessities. It is much better to take appropriate and sensible decisions as soon as possible without any delays. Invest some part of your earnings for the safety of the future of your family and lead a healthy and happy life. There are many life insurance policies in the market today. You have to take the advice of the experts and then invest in any of the life insurance policies, which you may feel that will suit your budget according to your savings. The returns of the life insurance policies will delight anyone who wants to savor the joy of living in natural and unwanted compromises if they have to ever face in life in future for any unwanted circumstances without losing out any of the advantages. Investing in any of the life insurance policies, gives your family an opportunity to start a new life style after your death. If you have already invested then it is a very brilliant decision you have taken, but if not then you can invest in it now. Your family will not have to cut down to the expenses they are used to at present. If anything happens to you suddenly or you die in an accident or so, then the life insurance company will take care of the expenses of your family to a big level. After investing in the life insurance policy you can lead the rest of your life without tension. The only stress on you is that you will have to pay your premiums on time to get the more advantages from them. The premium amount promised by the life insurance companies can suit every individual and their budget without disturbing the present lifestyle. There are many cheap insurance policies too, but that definitely does not mean that their coverage or benefits are anyhow less than the other expensive life insurance policies. One has to invest according to his own preferences and needs. I was unaware of the advantages of investing in the life insurance policies until my friend got the benefits from them when his father had expired when my friend was very young. He had to take care of his mother also. But all thanks to the life insurance policy. They were very helpful during that period of life which my friend had to go through. His house was mortgaged but the life insurance company took care of the payments towards the mortgage. My friend had least to worry about all the other expenses also. His father had made a sensible decision by investing in the life insurance policy. Even I had decided at that time that once I settle in my life well in the business the first thing I will do is I will invest in any of the life insurance policies so that my family will not have to struggle in life if anything will happen to me. By: → Angela Dalton

Monday, August 27, 2012

Cheap Life Cover – Know the Benefits of Single Life Policy as Opposed to Joint Life Policy

This is for the benefit of married couples looking forward to buy life insurance, as it proves you the benefits of buying two single life policies rather than a single joint life policy. Most people are not aware of that in a few cases it can be more useful for you to buy two single life policy in place of a single joint life policy. To know why single policy is better than the joint one you first have to know what the differences are and what they in fact imply to you in your economic condition. Most of couples faced with the need for life insurance go for a joint life cover. This kind of policy is simple it pays out the sum assured when one of you die and subsequently policy expires. The other way round, is to go for two single life insurance policies one for each of you. Therefore, as soon as one person dies the policy disburses the sum assured while the surviving person still has its own life insurance active and is absolutely unaltered by the death their spouse and their respective sum assured. It is widespread that as couples buy joint policies to insure them, if one of them die the other is left with no life cover by any means, this leads them to get life insurance since they might still need to insure their lives for several reasons. They will almost certainly find that the cost of cover at this moment in time is significantly higher because of several reasons like you are much older and hence more costly to cover. Besides, two single life insurance policies can be beneficial over a joint life policy in the event that your marriage ends with a divorce. You should know that when this takes place property and wealth needs to be split equally and accordingly. The majority of life insurance policies does not split by any means and therefore needs to be abandoned or altering, this can be a concern yet again if you are now aged and have medical problems. In contrast, two single life policies do not have to be split as they already are independent policies. As a final point, one more benefit of having two single life policies over a single joint life policy is the benefit of receiving two disbursements against one. As stated before, if you have a joint life policy, there will just be a single disbursement when one of the life insured dies and then the policy expires. However, with two single life policies being free of each other there will be two disbursements, depending on both partners dying within the tenure of the policies. To sum up couples opting for two single life policies as opposed to a single joint life policy need not apply for life insurance all over again after the death of partner, they as well have the additional advantage of the policies disbursing cash two times in the event of both expiring and simple to continue with if their marriage ends with a split. By: → Marcella Costante

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Term Life Insurance | Move Ahead in Life Very Optimistically After You Invest in the Life Insurance Policy

Everybody’s financial platform should be strong in life. Financial matters should be entertained prior to any other matters. If we are financially secured, then there are no other problems left behind. All the problems start with finances and end with finances. Today if we are rich and have everything in life, then people will also give us respect and if we do not have anything in our hand, then no one look at us for once also. We have to seriously secure our future and make our selves financially independent. The one and the foremost way to secure the future is to invest in the life insurance policy and get satisfied and that is my opinion because I have a good experience with them. I had invested in the whole term life insurance policy and the health insurance policy a few years back. Since then I have no complaints against them and they have been serving with great assistance without any disturbances. Even I never failed to pay the premiums till now. We do not have children and do not want my wife to struggle for anything in her life if anything happens to me unfortunately. She should be able to care of her self after my death. Twice I had needed funds for the treatment of my wife, once she had to undergo a surgery and the other time she met with a minor accident and was hospitalized for 2 weeks. All the medical expenses were covered by the life insurance company through the health insurance policy which I had bought from them without any trouble with great ease. I never felt the burden to pay the hospital bills or the medicine bills. All the expenses came under the policy which I had invested in. it was a great relief for me at that time. I am very happy that I have invested in two policies and how I least have to worry about the other financial matters also. Was it not a good decision on my part to invest in the health insurance policy as well as the whole term insurance policy to lead a tension free life? I feel that once we make our selves financially protected, then our major job is done. Life runs smoothly without any interruptions, even if we have to face any interruptions, then we will be able to handle the situation with ease. Life is full of thrills. We can enjoy life according to our leisure if the whole thing is planed properly. Ups and downs may not effect on our present days and we will be happy in any situation. If funds are saved and invested in a good life insurance policy, then life goes uncomplicatedly. The life insurance policies play the main role in our life. They assist us in all the possible ways when we are in urgent need of funds. Once we have invested in the life insurance policy, then we will not have to look back. We can move ahead in our life with great confidence. By: → Donald Carmin

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Term Life Insurance | Enjoying Life Today is Not Enough; Invest in the Life Insurance Policy for the Future

Investing in the life insurance policy gives an immense confidence to those who have already invested in it. Those who have not yet invested in any of the life insurance policies then consider this matter as a priority and get set to invest as soon as you can for your future protection. You should consider treating your self to something which you have long denied your self. Once you invest in the life insurance policy, then you will not get stressed unnecessarily. You can ease up in your routines and can enjoy and relax your self. Your family will also appreciate you for what you have done for their future. You should discuss your plans with loved ones before you can put them in action. You should not make the final decision until everything is perfectly understood and read. You will get enough confidence to face all the financial challenges in your life and it will also help you to revive your energy level. Now you need not fret and you can keep your confidence levels high and even listening to your inner voice will help you to achieve more success in your life. Your resourcefulness and the spirit of moving ahead in life come what may, will be appreciated by others. And all these inspirations can come in you only if you are financially protected and have invested in the life insurance policy because you know that if anything will happen to you or your business then the life insurance policy is there to look after your financial damages. So is it not a wise decision to buy and invest in any of the life insurance policy for our safety? Once I happened to visit my colleague’s house for the house warming party. He spent lavishly for the party. Everything was decided and planned very perfectly. There was wine, dance and a variety of food and snacks. Everybody enjoyed the party very much. He had spent a lot of amount for the party. After a few days I asked my colleague that how could he manage to spend so lavishly and also I asked him whether he had saved for the future or not? I came to know that he believed only in today and he did not believe in saving and investing. I suggested him that enjoying for today is very good, but we should also consider for the future. What if we cannot enjoy all these lavishness tomorrow? Can we be happy then if we cannot get the luxuries which we have today for tomorrow? Will his family be happy if he will not be able to give them all these comforts which they are used to have now at present? After I told him all this I think he realized how important it is to invest in the life insurance policy for the future also so that he can give all the possible comforts to his family always in their life. He decided to invest in the life insurance policy for his future very happily. By: → Angela Dalton

Monday, August 20, 2012

Life Insurance Toronto | Invest In Life Insurance Policy And Get Ready To Accept The Challenges Of Life

Challenges play a major role in our lives. We should always be mentally and financially prepared to face the consequences of life throughout. One who knows how to face all these consequences can easily come out of the outcomes which they will have to face suddenly which we never know they are going to attack us very silently. I am trying to explain the sudden disasters which we can have to face in our lives, like a sudden death or a sudden illness or any other possible disaster. Now ask some questions to yourself. Am I prepared to face the sudden attacks of the nature? Is my family secured? What if I meet with an accident and get handicapped or what if I get a paralytic attack? Who will take care of my family? Or what if I loose my life in an accident? Am I financially secured to take care of the hospital expenses? You will get a positive answer if you have invested in any of the life insurance policies. But if not, mind you; you will get a negative answer for yourself. You will not be satisfied by yourself with all these questions which might not even let you sleep for the whole night. Then why not find out simple solutions for all these problems. Yes, you are guessing right. Get some insurance policies for yourselves and secure the future of your family and yourself. Now investing in any of the policy is not just enough. You have to get proper advice and information to which policy you can buy. For this you have to consult the insurance advisors. They will guide you to the right way. You can choose according to your income and the amount you can pay the monthly, quarterly or yearly premiums. There are many types of insurance policies, like the whole term policy, the universal policy, the term life insurance policy and so on. Although all the insurance policies are too good, but then too you need to read the terms and conditions thoroughly and then invest. I remember when I was small, say about the age of 16 or 17 years, my friend’s father expired suddenly. Even my friend was almost of my age, too young to understand the realities of life, especially if one is not financially secured. He was the only survivor of the family. He had lost his mother also at a very young age. Now what could be the situation of that boy who had lost both his parents at a very young age leaving him behind all alone to face the realities of life? Had his father bought any of the insurance policies, he would not have to go through the problems which he had to. He had to stop his studies and had to go to his uncle’s house to stay and do all the odd jobs which he had never even dreamt about in his life that he would have to do. It was at that time that my father realized that how important it is for an individual to invest some part of his earnings in any of the life insurance policies. He immediately bought a life insurance policy and got the future of his family secured. By: → Angela Dalton

Friday, August 17, 2012

Cheap Life Insurance Online – Secure Your Life Financially With Direct Line Life Insurance Policy

Life insurance policy is one of the vital official documents for having a financially secured life in front. A number of people are familiar with the benefits of getting insured still wait buying it given that they are besieged with the choices. Explore the market and there are more than a few choices to be had in the market at present that will go well with your requirements. The policies provide a range of amount of cover, premiums, period as per your need. Buy it from a neighboring agent or directly from insurance companies or from the online insurance websites. The option of seller might differ however your eventual aim must be prefer one that validate the requirement of your loved ones. Some study on life insurance will save your hard earned cash provide you with better option. By means of the internet you will find out the concealed potential a life insurance policy might have for your family members. At the moment people are smart enough and they make use of the internet to realize a range of prospective sellers and contrast and select an affordable quote that goes well with their finances. A number of people these days like online shopping better, since it is the easiest, most dependable, and fastest way of purchasing an excellent life insurance policy. It is simple for a common man on the street to know if the seller has laid out his application form in an easy to use way or not. Finding out all the information and knowing the financial terminology turns out to be simple when you are researching online. Evaluate, put side by side, gather and amend earlier than signing on any documents. There are quite a lot of online websites that offer services like life insurance quotes and policy from several different companies. Each policy serves a different class of people and has different terms and conditions, choose one that is suitable to your needs. At present, there are several websites that reveal ratings and policy details of the leading life insurance companies. The companies listed on such websites offer life cover policies and have same basics; they all meet the requirements of consumers. Even so, they all are poles apart in coverage, exemptions and stipulations. For example individuals who are searching for joint business security will gain from joint life insurance policy instead of buying two separate individual policies. Direct line life insurance assists with critical illness and has unique advantages for those in their prime. Every life insurance company has their own website where you can confirm ratings and details on every life insurance policy they provide. As soon as it comes to getting suitably insured there must be no scope for mistakes. For more information on various life insurance policies you can search on the internet using your favorite search engine for “cheap life insurance” and you will be bestowed with plethora of choices. Otherwise you can visit web portal einsured one of my favorite to know more on the subject. Where you can request free online insurance quote and go through host of other information about life insurance. By: → Fred Romano

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cheap Life Cover – Term Life or Whole Life Which is the Best?

The most important choice that you will have to make while taking out a life insurance policy is deciding between term life policy and whole life policy. It is for a long time this dispute is still lingering, and almost everyone who have purchased any type of cover have not considered the benefits and drawbacks of both. You would like to confirm that you make the right choice. The first thing that you would like to accomplish is consider all the details that are available to you, and then relate them to yourself. Once you are striving to make a decision on term, whole, or combined insurance, you would like to begin with the term life policies. As soon as you choose term, you will just be able to get death benefits and nothing besides. How this profits you and your family will bank on precisely how long you survive, given that living past the anticipated age declared on your policy can denote terrible things for your family later than you are departed, making you a loser. If you do breathe your last earlier than that particular age on the policy, you will succeed. On the other hand, permanent life insurance policies provide you with death benefits as well as accumulate cash value over a period of time and at times are also known as a savings account. If you end up surviving, you in return will get your cash back in any case a part of if not the entire amount that you invested on your premiums over the years. To get this amount, you can either have a cash loan against it or redeem it. Eventually it will be for you to decide on. You will just like to think about the amount you are agreeable to risk when it comes to the life insurance policy you wish to buy for yourself. Keep in mind that as soon as you pass away, your family might have to be looked after financially. This without doubt is an adequate explanation to change over to a whole life or permanent life insurance policy that will let you to look after your surviving family members monetarily. Obviously there are possible drawbacks to both policies; however it as well comes down to the amount of risk you will take with your life and that of the lives of your family members. At the same time as you are thinking of life term insurance or whole life insurance, you must as well consider the amount you and your family stand to lose lest you live past a predetermined age. Selecting life insurance policy can be complicated; still it should be tackled immediately. It is in particular crucial to make a decision if you have small kids and spouse who need to be looked after later than you die. Despite the fact that no one likes to think about that time, that moment will sooner or later arrive. The problem here is the amount of cover your family have later than you breathe your last. By: → Marcella Costante

Monday, August 13, 2012

How to Take Care of Your Life With Life Insurance Term Life

The life insurance term life is a convenient way to add both comfort and security to your life. This is one sure way of showing your family members that you care. If you find insurance quotes unaffordable, then you can find quotes and compare them in a simple excel sheet. Some companies offer cheap quotes especially in term life which will make your life very simple. The security of the sum assured is always looked upon by many people. Though term life is not a lucrative option you will surely find it easy to understand and also this is an affordable option for you. Do not delay and sign up for term life options right now! The notion that life is easy-going is just not true. Our attitude makes us live better and it is of utmost importance that we accept life’s problems. The struggles in life make us strong but a bad financial planning would be difficult for all in the family. In case there is death to the bread winner, then the family will have to forego many options which are not desirable at all. Find a good way to live life and know the security an insurance policy can give you. Talk to an agent for cheap term life insurance quotes and get the most from life. The life insurance no exam is a perfect way to understand that insurance is also available for people with minor health problems. Usually in a insurance policy, people are required to give a blood sample or a urine sample to detect a health problem. Many people may be recovering from some illness or could be under medication which certainly shows as a trace in the samples. Hence they are rejected insurance and this can dissuade them from acquiring insurance. But the no exam category is still available to them as a slightly higher option. But the best way to work it out would be to ask for a lower rate by comparing the costs. It is imperative to talk to agents to find a cheap quote and get insurance. Finding the life insurance quote: 1. Talk to the agent and get a good quote. 2. A financial planner can compare quotes and give you the best advice. 3. Arrange to understand insurance quotes with an agent 4. A cheap quote makes it affordable. 5. Subscribe to articles too along with regular updates on quotes. Are you looking for life insurance term life? This is easy now with the online facility. You can just have fewer trips to the company or calling the agent. The documents are well preserved online and you can have a look whenever you need. A simple instruction to your bank will help you pay the premiums online. If you are looking specifically for a low cost policy then it has to be term life. It surely does not doesn’t offer monetary benefits like other insurance policies do as no interest in accrued but the costs are always low. Hence it is also good for people with small income. For cheap term life insurance quotes, you can keep looking for quotes. There is no reason to hurry up with what is offered in the market. Just talk to your agent frankly about your financial reservations and get a good quote that will not hamper your yearly budget. You can go for a yearly premium and thereby find it easy to provide for finance. Financial obligations like mortgage or loan can be too much of a strain but avoiding insurance will impact your family’s life. Hence start small and go for term life and avail of the security with the sum assured. It is simply great to observe the life insurance no exam. You love your life and would do anything to help out your family. Hence you can still go for insurance despite a health problem and avail of the no exam. This policy is slightly more expensive but you can compare and find a low quote. No more test or clinic visits as the best is now available to you and helps you in every possible way to get insurance. A person recovering from a surgery can also have the benefit of this policy as there are no further medical reports required. One has to answer a few questions online. This is good for people who are always traveling. They can save time and avail insurance. By: → David J Livingston

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Cheap Life Insurance - Investing in the Affordable Term Life Insurance Policy Keeps the Life on Good Track

Today the prices of all the commodities and the important things which we need to survive have yo-yoed dangerously over the last few months. Such volatility, driven both by rising demand and high levels of speculation, is causing great stress to the country’s fiscal position as well as to the household budgets. It is critical for us to find out the way out and we can at least take some preventive steps so that we can save finances in any way and secure our future because the rising prices may never come down and they may rise and fluctuate day by day and year by year. These days we are fortunate that we have immense ways to secure our future technically. It is very important that we by using the given technology by the life insurance policies which are available very easily to buy these days will definitely be helpful to us in the unforeseeable future and they can really offer economically viable alternatives to us. If we have started investing in the life insurance policy then we can almost certainly enjoy our life even with the thought that our family is secured. Where there are numerous life insurance policies, let me give you some hints how the term life insurance can be affordable to us. 1) This affordable term life insurance policy offers us as many as benefits which we need or we ought to have without giving an extra pinch to our pocket. 2) This unique policy is a cover shield against a fortuitous death and it gives a complete protection without disturbing our present expenses. 3) While investing in this affordable term life insurance policy we can relax and enjoy our life uninterruptedly. 4) We can know how significant it is to invest in this policy and what and how much returns we are going to get thereafter. 5) This affordable term life insurance policy is simply excellent and pliable which means all our requirements and necessities can easily be fulfilled through it. 6) We will expand the possible frame by scheduling forward for the future and going the extra mile with this affordable term life insurance policy. The life insurance agents are always ready to describe and make us understand the benefits of the various policies and how and in what procedure to pay the premiums. It would be a positive sign if we take their advice and then invest in any of the life insurance policy. By using proper methods and techniques not only our finances but also our life moves smoothly without delays and further this attitude brings out creativity and originality in our life. Delegating tasks will ease our financial position and we can also focus on a bigger picture or a better work. A strong-minded approach will make certain that we can find a path easily even in obstructions. I have already invested in the term life insurance policy and secured my family and I have even bought a health insurance policy because I very often fall sick and I have to go in for thorough check ups and I can take the help of the policy whenever I need it. By: → James Lister

Term Life Insurance - To Make Real Progress in Life we Need to Invest in the Universal Life Insurance Policy

If we like to benefit our self with the life insurance policies, then we should opt to find our self a good life insurance policy which will not only benefit us for the future but also will keep in mind the present expenses. The universal life insurance policy is one of the best policies which many people are opting to buy these days because of the convenient procedures of the payments and benefits that they are getting from them. This is a kind of policy which provides us with all the financial assistance when we are in need of it critically. This unique type of universal life insurance policy is excellent. Fortunately life is made a lot easier for us with the opportunity to make use of the internet and gather all the possible information of all that we require these days. Although we can get all the achievable information about the various life insurance policies and their advantages, but it is always better if we make an attempt to make discussions with the life insurance brokers so that we do not get confused while taking accurate decision to which life insurance policy to invest in because they are numerous of policies and all are excellent. As the brokers are the researchers and they are in this profession since years they know better than us and they are also ready to give us all the possible assistance we need from them. All the latest up dates about the various life insurance policies and their benefits are with them and they will show us the way towards the right course. The importance of buying a life insurance policy is to maintain a financial stability in our life and this trend is now high up among the most eminent individuals. Ultimately the life insurance policies with the best rewards and advantages are the primary choice of the buyers and a study says that many people are opting to invest in the universal life insurance policy because this unique policy is a stretchy life insurance policy which offers or rather allows us to revise the sum of insurance as our requirements for the insurance amend. The main objective for investing in a universal life insurance policy is the fatality (death) security made available to our family members or the survivors at our demise (death). The universal life insurance policy is a significant and perceptive policy which also allows us to regulate the death assistance and /or the premium costs, inside the maximum value so that they can shape into the circumstances. Out of the every premium sum a 5% price charge is subtracted and the balance is added to the policy account cost and further the monthly fee of the death benefit and the policy supervision is taken away from the additional account. Although all the information given here is 100% true but still it would be a sensible decision taken with the help of the professionals because after all we are trying to give our self and our family a life time protection. By: → Marcella Costante

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Cheap Life Insurance – Term Life or Whole Life Policy – Which is Better?

As soon as it comes to making arrangements for your future, an immense consideration that is very frequently ignored is life insurance cover. The reason of this is to cover the financial loads and expenses and restore the earnings of the major breadwinner in the incident of an inopportune demise of that person. A number of families in the UK do not have as much as necessary life insurance and a lot of families do not have this in any way. The sum assured considered necessary for a family is reliant on the family’s day to day and monthly expenditure in addition to future planning expenditures for instance, if someone has a small child you need to arrange for his studies till he has completed his college or if you staying in home that is mortgaged you need to make arrangements to see that the loan is paid off and the family members do not have to leave the home. Financial specialists often advice that life insurance cover should be a sufficient amount to cover expenditures for at least 10 years with college and home development adding all the more to the sum assured. There are two most important kinds of life insurance; these are term life policies and whole life policies. It is necessary to be familiar with the variation between the two. At times it is recommended, relying upon the conditions, to get a mixture of both kinds. Term life insurance policies cover just life. In the occasion of passing away of the insured person, term insurance will pay the sum assured of the policy to the nominated beneficiary. Term life insurance can be purchased for terms of 5 to 20 years. Whole life insurance merges a term life policy with a savings element like government bonds, other financial tools like mutual funds or direct investments into the companies via stocks. This policy then accumulates a "cash-value" over a period of time that you can in fact have a loan of against. There are 3 distinct kinds of whole life insurance these are, traditional whole life, variable whole life and universal whole life policies. Whole life insurance is certainly the most expensive between both the fundamental policies term life and whole life policies. For the reason that, with this policy you need to pay for both the life insurance plus the savings part. Even if it might be said that the additional cost is worth it given that you are saving or investing funds, they typically are not worth the high premiums you pay and the sum assured is not even near to the amount that you would get for the same price with a term life cover. Term life insurance is the most excellent kind of cover for the majority of individuals. By means of term life cover you need not pay higher premiums for savings expenditures however you just pay premiums for your life cover. If you are anticipating buying a life cover it is best to seek advice of a trustworthy life insurance agent one that you can consult on your explicit state of affairs and requirements. Collectively you can come to a decision on the kind best suited for you. By: → Thomas Jones

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Command A Life Of Abundance: Don't Escape Life, Create Your Life... Part 1

As we explore the human experience and the flow of abundance in our lives, we discover that many people are living the life they truly desire to live. Furthermore, we discover the desire for prosperity is being fulfilled for so many. We also discover that many people are living the lives they want to live because they have invested time and energy in creativity. So, what about the rest of humanity? Why are there some people who are not experiencing the joy and miracles of life? The answer may be escapism. You can not successfully create the life you truly desire while escaping your own existence. Moreover, without creating the life you desire, you will not experience wealth, success, optimal health, empowering relationships, love, devotion, peace, order, and wisdom. Escapism and creativity will not exist in the same mind at the same time. In fact, famed actress, Jamie Lee Curtis, stated: The more I became comfortable with and liked my own life; the less I needed to become other people. Her statement was a reply to an interviewer’s question about her slowing down in her career. Escapism isn't reserved for actors. For some people dealing with the day in and day out routine of life is simply boring. So boring and mundane are people's perceptions of themselves, that society has often found it easier to drift into alternate realities after being consumed with ideas of how life should be led. Individuals are bombarded with images of material wealth possessed by the elite of society laced with illusions of a super glamorous and flawless existence. If society is made aware of any flaws, they’re usually glamorized and somewhat falsified. Observing the mega-millions of society’s elite, the accepted belief is that the grass is greener on the other side. Putting aside the illusion of what we perceive others to have, we must become consumed in dealing with our own lives. Why do some escape? Why do so many of us have trouble dealing with the reality of our own lives? And more importantly, what are some of the mechanisms we can use to begin to create our own life; the life we truly desire to live? One reason for society's drift into escapism is the result of our not being able to see ourselves as a co-creator with God. There is a false belief that we cannot get what it is that we want. Somehow we've become convinced that we have to downplay our own desires because of a lack of resources. We tell ourselves that no one can have everything they want. Distraught with one's perceived reality, we sit around and fantasize in our minds about a fanatical life we could live. The painful realization is that fantasizing is just a passive mechanism to escape into a world that we really don't believe can happen; hence, fantasizing becomes a means used to pass time. We are all guilty of indulging in fantasy. Unfortunately, fantasizing leaves one open to the current tide of the day's activities. For example, if the dominant opinion of a culture is that a woman will have a hard time marrying in her forties, then that woman will have a difficult time finding a mate. There are several steps which can be taken to create the life one desires to live. One of these steps is becoming aware that abundance and prosperity is a divine right. Becoming aware of your thoughts and then making slight shifts in your thinking will have an enormous impact on the life one creates. Through your own creation, it is possible and reachable to get out of one's own head and begin to live a life of bliss. By: → Roslyn Randle